Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Frugal Living Tip #8: Useful Resources for the Frugal Consumer

Roundup of useful resources for the frugal consumer:
  •'s Textbooks Trade-In
    No-hassle way of unloading unwanted textbooks and getting some money for it.

    The granddaddy of recycling stuff you no longer need by giving them away to others within your community. Read my earlier blog post about Freecycling.

    Takes the Freecycle idea one step further to provide a one-stop site for getting free stuff. Besides member submitted offerings, it also aggregates postings from the "free stuff" section of Craigslist and also partners with Recycle Bank to offer a rewards program.

    Excellent one-stop online search tool for researching products before you buy. Allows you to limit by price, brands, needs, etc.

    Allows you to swap, exchange or give away stuff with other folks in your community.

    Social networking meets bargain hunting. Lets you hunt for deals with a twist: you must find enough friends/strangers to join you in order to meet the deal's minimum number of folks who sign up for it. Great way to make friends, renew friendship and save money in the process.
Read the other entries in my Frugal Living Tips Series.

Comparing Cell Phone Plans

Are you confused when you try to compare cell phone companies' plans and offerings? Then you would want to consult BillShrink's Ultimate Cell Phone Plans Comparison.

It's not perfect but it's a good start.

Link: Ultimate Cell Phone Plans Comparison

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Consumer Action Website & Handbook

Funded by your tax dollars, the Consumer Action Website is filled with useful information on your rights as a consumer. It provides information and templates for filing reports of defective products, complaints of shoddy products or services, buying resources, etc., many of which are available for download as convenient PDF files.

You can also pre-order the 2010 Consumer Action Handbook, which is available for free and mailed to your house.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

When Is The Best Time To Buy Something You Want?

Want to know when is the best time to buy something you want?

Lifehacker has posted a helpful guide on the best times to buy anything: The Best Times to Buy Anything, All Year Round.

How to Search For Bargain Deals on Amazon

Amazon lists lots of deals every day. How do you find out what they are? Boston Gal has posted a helpful guide on searching for bargain deals on Amazon.

Happy bargain hunting!