Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Free Sample: Huggies Pure & Natural Diaper

Free sample of Huggies Pure & Natural diaper

(via Huggies)

A Penny Saved Is A Penny Gained #03

Today's round-up of my favorite money saving tips (continued):
  1. I avoid ATM fees by always keeping track of my cash balance and withdraw money fee-free from the ATM of my own bank before I run out of cash.

  2. I watch movies and catch up on my TV series on Hulu and Boxee instead of shelling out money for cinema tickets, Netflick, Red Box, Blockbuster or my local cable company.

  3. I brownbag my own lunch instead of eating out during lunch time at work.

  4. I fill my own reusable water bottle with filtered tap water (I use Brita filters) from home instead of buying expensive bottled water.

  5. Instead of buying ready-to-eat salads, I make my own salad by buying bulk vegetables and cleaning them myself.
Read my other blog entries in A Penny Saved Is A Penny Gained Series.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Tips On Finding A Comfortable Coach Seat Without Upgrading

It's high season for summer travel and airlines are enticing would be travelers with all sorts of fare sales to fill empty seats. I have previously blogged about "saving money on your summer air travel."

It is one thing to save money by finding the cheapest air tickets, it is quite another thing to find a comfortable coach seat without paying extra or upgrading, in view of the fact that airlines are shrinking legroom to squeeze more seats into planes.

I swear by to help me figure out which seats are the most comfortable (e.g., lots of legroom). After finding the seats I want, it's time to figure out how to book those seats. In order to do just that, I have learned a great deal from the following resources:
See also my previous blog postings:

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tips on Buying Organic Food

Many people want to buy organic food for its health and environmental benefits but balk at the higher prices. On the one hand, going 100% organic in one's grocery shopping would strain the grocery budgets of many households in today's depressed economy. On the other hand, it is possible to buy organic food without busting one's finances.

If your finances are tight and you have to be highly selective in your grocery shopping, the trick is to buy organic for those produce that are at highest risk of exposure to pesticides or chemical residues, while buying conventional produce for those at lowest risk of chemical contamination. The Consumerist has a helpful article, "When Is It Worthwhile to Buy Organic?" that, among other things, lists the so-called "Dirty Dozen" with the highest pesticide/chemical residues. These are the items that you should buy organic.
